Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Choosing the right daycare for your dog

"In an excellent daycare, supervision will mean physical presence in the room by a fully trained staff member who understand canine body language and who is skilled in using leadership skills to manage the dogs."  - The Dog Gurus

The facility should have a formal staff-training program. Ask your new daycare how they are trained and what continuing education they have in place. Make sure to ask about their knowledge and skills in the areas of Canine body language (can they read dogs?), recognizing stress signals (Do they know lip licking, yawning, shaking off and a closed mouth can be stress signals?), appropriate versus inappropriate dog behaviors during off-leash play (Do they interrupt when dogs pinning, rolling, or bullying other dogs?). Your new daycare should also have staff that is trained and skilled in using benevolent leadership techniques which include positive methods of managing dogs, praising dogs for appropriate behavior and using non-physical corrections to stop inappropriate behavior, and proactive use of tools that help alleviate stress in dogs such as sound therapy or visual barriers.

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