Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Pets are happiest and healthiest when kept indoors, especially during extreme cold snaps. The smartest way to keep your pets safe during the winter is to keep them inside or sheltered. 

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No matter what the temperature is, windchill can threaten a pet's life. Any exposed skin on noses, ears and paw pads are at risk for frostbite and hypothermia during extreme cold snaps.For this reason, short haired dogs may feel more comfortable wearing a sweater.

Rock salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice can irritate the pads of your pets feet. To avoid any irritation or infection, always wipe your dogs paws with a damp towel before your pet licks them and may irritate their mouth.

Remove any common poisons. Antifreeze especially is a deadly poison to dogs but it has a sweet taste  that may attract animals. 

If you normally get your pet groomed, try to keep their hair longer in the winter to help keep them warm. Also, pay attention to their paw pads in the winter months. Watch for signs of cracking or irritation. The Orrville Pet Spa & Resort offers an Elbow & Pad treatment that can help with any dry or cracked paw pads or elbows to help keep your dog more comfortable. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Halloween is a fun time of the year for most children and families. Dogs tend to not enjoy this spooky day as much as the rest of us. There are certain precautions one can take to ensure a smoother Halloween night for you and your dog. 

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One safety tip for Halloween night, would be to not allow your animals any sort of Halloween candy, especially any form of chocolate. Chocolate can be dangerous, even lethal for dogs and cats. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning may include vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate and seizures. Candies containing artificial sweetener Xylitol can also be poisonous for dogs. Even small doses of Xylitol can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar and subsequent loss of coordination and seizures.

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Hard candy often has a delicious taste to dogs. These treats pose a major choking hazard for pets. Hard candy becomes slippery when mixed with saliva and it can easily be inhaled into the trachea (wind pipe) which can cause choking.

Take caution when your dog gets in the candy bowl. They don't usually bother to unwrap the treats first. Plastic foil wrappers pose a health risk since they can cause an obstruction in the intestines and irritate the lining of the GI tract.  

Another concern on Halloween is leaving your pets outside. Halloween can bring out some vicious pranksters that you're never too sure what they may be capable of. Also, dogs can be territorial and may become anxious or defensive of your property to innocent trick-or-treaters. Putting your dog or cat in a secure room away from the front door will also prevent them from darting outside into the night and help keep them calm from the commotion going on outside.

Happy Halloween

Wednesday, October 12, 2016



Image result for pet obesity awareness MONTH

Sometimes sticking to a meal plan or trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle can be difficult for us humans. It's even harder when you're trying to maintain your pets, especially if they expect that extra cup of food, the treat for going potty outside and the long nap on a Sunday afternoon. Just like us, it takes time for them too. Trying to get them to have fun while getting them healthy is the key. 

Statistics show 58% of cats and 53% of dogs in the US are overweight or obese. The first question most people would have is "what can i do?"

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For starters, you should be sure to discuss any health or weight concerns with your veterinarian. Your doctor may discuss a low calorie, nutritious dog food to start them on to see if it helps with the intake of extra calories. 

Another thing you could try is not just cutting back on treats, but give them a treat that is actually good for them. Apples, carrots and blueberries are a very nutritious snack for dogs that can substitute for store bought treats that may not be as good for them or will also make them pack on the calories.

If your dog is already overweight and you're having issues trying to help them lose the weight, there are a few options for you! Doggy Daycare would be one option. If your dog is younger and has instant energy when seeing other dogs, Daycare may be best for them to stay active and get socialized with other furry friends.

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Another option would be K9 Fit Club. K9 Fit Club is dedicated to creating fitness and wellness for both people and their dogs. This program combines the time saving benefits of working out with your pup while offering a fun, safe and controlled environment. The programs were built to be achievable by people of all ages and ability levels. This is a very good program if your dog is a little older or just isn't a social butterfly. Anne, Master Instructor, keeps her classes small to ensure full support and guidance as you learn what K9 Fit Club is all about. 

If you have further questions about Doggy Daycare or K9 Fit Club, please visit our website at or call us at (330)683-3335.

Friday, September 30, 2016


National Black Dog Day 2016 

When going to adopt your new family member at a shelter, you're usually so excited, you don't have much time to put thought into exactly what your going to get. Statistics will show there is a lower chance of finding forever homes for darker colored dogs rather than white or tan colored dogs. Animal shelters have named this 'Black Dog Syndrome'. National Black Dog Day is a perfect National Day to celebrate these dogs and hold events to help find them their perfect forever homes.

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Through research, the reasoning behind this may be a matter of size, unclear facial features, dimly lit kennels, and negative portrayals in books, movies or media. Another theory is that it comes down to facial expressions. People attach to dogs when they can read their facial expressions and on darker dogs those are harder to make out. Either way, their hearts are all the same size. If you are looking to adopt a new pet to add to your family, we highly suggest looking into the Wayne County Dog Shelter.

For more information please go to their website at:

Tuesday, September 20, 2016



Do you ever wonder if the ingredients in your furry family member's food is actually good for them? According to Dr. Marty Becker, for calorie control, he recommends broccoli, pumpkin, spinach and blueberries as super food ingredients. If you find your pet putting on some extra pounds, you do not have to stop with treats completely. Instead, give blueberries or apple slices as a healthy alternative snack or treat that pack a lot less in calories.

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 These 'Superfoods' have many beneficial facts to dogs. Apples are very rich in Vitamin A,C and fiber. Red apples also help to clean the residue and keep your dog's teeth strong. Carrots are a very good alternative as a snack or a chew for your dog. They are good for the skin, eyesight and cleaning of the teeth and gums. Green beans are one of the best things you can give your dog. They make for a wonderful low calorie snack. They are a fantastic source of natural plant fiber and high in vitamin A, C, and K. 

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Don't forget... PUMPKIN!

With the fall season near, what better superfood to give your dog than their very own pumpkin! It is nutritious to give your dog real pumpkin as it is a low calorie food, rich in vitamin A, C, betacarotene, fiber, potassium, zinc, calcium and magnesium. Give your pet about one cup of cooked pumpkin, and they will have a very filling snack that contains 3 grams of fiber.

Image result for dogs eating pumpkin

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Canine Upper Respiratory Complex

What is Canine Upper Respiratory Complex?

Well, just like human colds, our canines can also get viruses with the most known being canine upper respiratory complex (canine cough). Canine cough itself can have multiple causes. Dogs "catch" canine cough when they inhale bacteria or virus particles into their respiratory tract. This tract is normally lined with a coating of mucus that traps infectious particles, but there are a number of factors that can weaken this protection and make dogs prone to kennel cough infection, which results in inflammation of the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe).


Canine cough can spread through aerosols in the air, directly from dog to dog, or through germs on contaminated objects.


The classic symptom of kennel cough is a persistent, forceful cough. It often sounds like a goose honk. This cough is different from a cough-like sound made by some dogs, especially little ones, which is called a reverse sneeze. Other symptoms would include gagging, coughing up white foamy phlegm, fever and nasal discharge.


The best way to prevent canine cough is for your dog to not have exposure to other dogs. This may not be ideal to most people, as their dogs love to go to dog parks, the pet store and to see their friends at doggy daycare. In these cases, vaccinations are available for several of the agents known to be involved including parainfluenza and Bordetella.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


There are two different coat types in dogs; single coated and double coated. A single coat means that there is only a top (or over) coat that grows all over the body with no difference undercoat. Examples of a single coat dog are Shih Tzus, Poodles, and Bichons. Double coated dogs, such as Pomeranians, Shetlands, and Samoyeds have both a top (or over) coat made of tougher (under) coat that is thick and soft.

As Summer is in full swing, we understand as good pet owners you want to make sure your pet is as comfortable in the heat and sun as possible. Most think this is achieved by shaving their dogs fur to the skin to help keep them cool. While you or I would hate to sport a fur coat in 100- degree weather, your pets' fur coats are actually providing them with heat relief.

Dogs' coats have several layers that are essential to your dog's comfort in the heat. By shaving your dog, you are stripping them of their natural cooling system and that can lead to discomfort and overheating. Leaving their coat will also help protect their skin from sunburn and getting skin cancer.

The question still remains then, why not shave them and keep them out of the sun? For one, they may not actually be cool even if they are out of the sun, the topcoat can help to keep the heat off the skin itself and unlike people, dogs do not sweat through their skin. Dogs sweat by panting and, in all but northern breeds, through the pads of the feet.

Another reason to not shave your furry friend is when the hair does begin to grow back, it tends to do strange things. For some, it may mean having patches that don't grow at all, or that don't grow both types of coat layers (top and under). Older dogs often have issues with proper regrowth and then for others (which happens most often) the undercoat grows in faster than the topcoat .

If shaving your pet is something you are considering, please contact your vet or groomer to discuss your options and to see if your dog is a good candidate for shaving.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


The 4th of July is sneaking up on us, and as excited as we are for cook outs with friends and family, parades and of course the fireworks, our canine family members are not! Here are 10 tips to provide a safe and calming atmosphere for your canine household.

  1. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise earlier in the day
  2. Keep your dogs inside during the firework show, preferably with human companionship
  3. Provide a safe place inside for your dogs to retreat such as a crate or bathtub
  4. Keep the windows and curtains closed, removing visual stimulation can help calm dogs
  5. Make sure your canine friend has his/her tags with a fitted collar, just in case of an escape
  6. Leave your dog something fun to do - like a frozen treat or peanut butter kong
  7. Sound therapy: Playing calm music well before the fireworks start(a few days), the dog will associate the music with a calm and content manner, so when played during the fireworks, he/she will continue to stay calm and content.
  8. Sound therapy combined with Desensitization : The Canine Noise Phobia series (CNP) consists of four CD's that innovate desensitization training and combines three distinctive elements for the treatment and prevention of sound-sensitivities and noise-phobias
  9. Tactile: There are two canine wraps on the market that reportedly help sound phobic dogs. The original Anxiety Wrap and the Thundershirt
  10. Scent: Canine Calm or Lavender scents are an all natural way to help dogs relax and cope more effectively with loud noises. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


We understand your goal of wanting your dog tired after a day of play with their buddies, but its also important that exhaustion is not the only measure of success when you bring your dog for a play session. Our approach in daycare when having off-leash play is to balance physical exercise, mental activities, and rest periods. Physical exercise is the most obvious benefit of off-leash play and it's what most pet parents think about. But for your dog's health, we also consider it important to provide mental stimulation.

Research studies show that dogs need 12-18 hours of sleep per day. Dogs that require larger amounts of sleep include:

  • Puppies
  • Senior dogs
  • Large breed dogs
  • Dogs in active households 
  • Dogs that attend daycare multiple days per week
  • Dogs participating in sports such as agility, fly ball, or rally-o

Friday, June 10, 2016


Obesity in our canine family members is the number one health threat pets face, and the most important pet health decision owners make each day is what and how much they feed. Statistics show 54% of dogs were overweight or obese in 2015.

Between Orrville Walks Program and The Orrville Pet Spa and Resorts K9 Fit Club, there are plenty of opportunities for you and your pup to start getting back into shape and feeling healthier and happier and live longer lives together.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Choosing the right daycare for your dog

"In an excellent daycare, supervision will mean physical presence in the room by a fully trained staff member who understand canine body language and who is skilled in using leadership skills to manage the dogs."  - The Dog Gurus

The facility should have a formal staff-training program. Ask your new daycare how they are trained and what continuing education they have in place. Make sure to ask about their knowledge and skills in the areas of Canine body language (can they read dogs?), recognizing stress signals (Do they know lip licking, yawning, shaking off and a closed mouth can be stress signals?), appropriate versus inappropriate dog behaviors during off-leash play (Do they interrupt when dogs pinning, rolling, or bullying other dogs?). Your new daycare should also have staff that is trained and skilled in using benevolent leadership techniques which include positive methods of managing dogs, praising dogs for appropriate behavior and using non-physical corrections to stop inappropriate behavior, and proactive use of tools that help alleviate stress in dogs such as sound therapy or visual barriers.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Bow Wow Bootcamp

K9 Fit Club- Bow Wow Bootcamp

Bow Wow Bootcamp combines strength, agility, and cardio in a medium/high-intensity class that includes circuit training and station work. You can expect some cardio, games, weight training, core training and a little something new each class.
Contact Anne to sign up for your first session

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


We are all enjoying these hot summer days we are currently having, as are our dogs. Unlike humans, canines do not always know their limit on a hot day, and watching for signs of dehydration and overheating is extremely important as a dog parent. There are certain signs to watch for if your furry friend has outside time, and precautions you can take to prevent this from happening. 

Watch for:
  • Heavy panting/ deep or rapid breathing
  • Excessive thirst
  • Dry or pale gums
  • Stumbling 
  • Excessive drooling
Ways to prevent:
  • Do not walk or exercise on hot pavement, this has a tendency to burn dogs paws
  • Exercise with your dog in the coolest parts of the day such as early in the morning or after sunset
  • Provide plenty of fresh drinking water
  • Be careful not to overexert your dog when enjoying the day
  • Offer plenty of shade 


In our Doggy Daycare program, you'll notice when having the dogs outside, they are usually always under the pavilion for shade and have access to the ceiling fans, fresh water,where we also use K9 Hydration Tabs to make sure they stay hydrated, and our pool time which serves as another source to keep your pet cool on a hot summer day or just for some fun splashing between canine friends.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


K9 Fit Club class May 24th, 2016

Our first K9 Fitness Classes are officially half way done and our parent/canine teams are doing fantastic! There is a true bonding they get to experience while doing physical fitness and teaching their dogs simple obedience. This week, our class got to enjoy this beautiful Ohio weather outside. Our Canines enjoyed it just as much as our humans!

Customized Workout Includes 

30 toe touches                                                          
30 side taps                                                             
30 russian twists                                                          
30 push throughs                                                         
30 reverse crunches                                        
30 flutter kicks                                                            

Pair Ups-
20 jumping jacks
canine plank
20 fast feet/paw
overhead lunge with medicine ball
practice sit. down, or shake
balance board                                                            



Monday, May 23, 2016


Orrville Pet Spa & Resort is offering K9 Fit Club Classes! K9 Fit Club is dedicated to creating fitness and wellness for both people and their dog. These programs combine the time saving benefits of working out with your pup while offering a fun, safe and controlled environment.

The programs were built to be achievable by people of all ages and ability levels. People and their canines face similar health challenges: weight management, stress, lack of energy and medical conditions such as arthritis and heart disease. K9 Fit Club was designed to help both ends of the leash, creating health and wellness programs to live a longer, healthier and happier life together.

Orrville Pet Spa & Resort has its own Master Instructor, Anne Weiser, who helps guide, encourage and support you, and your canine through each class.

Anne provides assessments for each parent/dog team before class begins so she will know what, if any, limitations you or your canine may have, and tailor the work out to accommodate you!